Free Medical Coding Online Training

This is a totally free medical coding online training. This online training is designed for those who are beginners and does not know any thing about medical coding although anyone can use it for informative purpose.

The training is divided into classes as seen on the right side of the blog. If you are a beginner, start from Class 1 and then go to Class 2, Class 3, and so on.

Thanks and hope you enjoy the classes.

Class 1

Medical Coding Introduction
The following classes explains the basics of medical coding. Go through the following classes to know what medical coding is

Class 1: What is Medical Coding

What is Inpatient and Outpatient Medical Coding 

Class 3: What  tools Medical Coders Use

Class 4: How ICD, CPT, and HCPCS are Used


  1. Enjoyed this training very much. I watched every video.

  2. Am a beginner and i wanted a course that will provide me with a detailed course as much as possible.
