Free Medical Coding Online Training

This is a totally free medical coding online training. This online training is designed for those who are beginners and does not know any thing about medical coding although anyone can use it for informative purpose.

The training is divided into classes as seen on the right side of the blog. If you are a beginner, start from Class 1 and then go to Class 2, Class 3, and so on.

Thanks and hope you enjoy the classes.

Main Term and Subterm and associated terms

Main Term and Subterm and associated terms


  1. You have to check Uttar Pradesh TET Educational qualification to ensure that your candidature. More information on khakat .

  2. I currently work in the healthcare field...This is the beginning of a new career for me....Thank-You

  3. What if you have medical terminology education and some work experience- can you start on 2 versus 1?
